

My name is Vanessa! I’m an animator and illustrator, from the mysterious Hamilton, Ontario. My main focuses are animating, lighting, compositing, comics (and other book illustrations), and, storyboarding. I’m also a tamer of a small, yet ferocious beast (my cat), and like to spend my time with friends, watching cartoons or playing music.

I have graduated from Sheridan College’s Post-Graduate Animation Program and am excited to enter the industry! I got the opportunity to work on a variety of self directed projects under the guide of compassionate and enthusiastic mentors. At OCADU I studied Illustration and English, with a focus on women’s rights within the music industry, for my final thesis.

Feel free to shoot me a message on Instagram, or send me an email! If I’m not busy, I’m always up for collaboration too!




Stay tuned!


Pancakes and Booze Toronto (2018, 2019)

GradEx 105 (online 2020)


Where To Get Things